Which Real Estate Wholesalers Will Lead In 2014?

Which Real Estate Wholesalers Will Lead In 2014
Which wholesaling CEOs and companies will take the lead and come out on top in 2014?

There are several traits and habits which clearly give some real estate wholesalers the advantage going into the New Year. Many real estate investors are frantically trying to keep up with the holiday madness, and trying to balance the holiday mayhem with end of year property rush. Intensity and focus can be good, but those that are acting too short sighted could find they are setting themselves up for a very difficult 2014.

Those already looking ahead and educating themselves on what they’ll need to win in January will have a huge advantage over the herd, and will be the ones driving the trends.

Those that will win in January 2014 and beyond are those that recognize that those battles are already being decided now. What wholesaling company CEOs and their teams are doing right now will determine how it will play out on the battlefield next year. Obviously if you aren’t even thinking that far ahead you’ll be forced to react and be satisfied with the scraps, rather than leading.

Of course it’s also important that the right actions are being taken. This means planning, but not just general, long term planning. It’s great to see real estate investors with a 5, 10, or even 100 year plan. However, specific planning is also required. If not already done, this is the time for a careful re-evaluation of goals, tactics, strategies and operations for the New Year. Make adjustments as needed.

Being equipped is also essential. This means wholesaling marketing materials should already be finalized before the ball drops. Another part of this is certainly having access to cash. It is perfectly possible to do no money down deals, especially when flipping contracts, but those with access to capital, even if it isn’t theirs can have an advantage and won’t have to pass up on juicy opportunities.

Those investors which are tight on funds should devote a few hours this month to hunt down new financing sources, get their criteria and add them to their list so that all it takes is a phone call, email or basic info sheet to get fast cash to close deals on the fly.

This also provides the advantage of speed which can put wholesalers well ahead of larger competitors and provide deeper discounts, for realizing wider profit margins.

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